Tag: hangouts with James fee

  • HWJF 05: Todd Barr and “Touching the Glowing Orb”

    Yet another weekly edition of HWJF is out. Todd joins me to talk GIS statistics, analysis, spatial statistics and agriculture industry.

    You can subscribe either on the show homepage or in iTunes or Google Play.

  • HWJF 04: Steve Pousty and “Hey Dingus”

    Yet another weekly edition of HWJF is out. Steve Pousty joins me to talk about JS.geo, big data in the cloud, esports, OpenShift, Alexa and Wolfram Alpha with GIS, serverless, fly fishing and traveling.

    New this week are podcast chapters. If you have a modern podcast client, you’ll be able to skip between topics.

    You can subscribe either on the show homepage or in iTunes or Google Play.

  • HWJF 03: Brian Timoney and “GIS is dead, long live data analytics

    Yet another weekly edition of HWJF is out. Brian Timoney joins me to talk about interactive mapping, GIS as a profession, python, R Studio and data analytics.

    You can subscribe either on the show homepage or in iTunes or Google Play.

  • HWJF 02: Bill Dollins and Career Changes

    So we’ve got another weekly edition of HWJF. Bill Dollins joined me to talk about his transition to Spatial Networks and away from Fed GIS work (just like me). We also go into the state of GIS conferences, hiring GIS specialists (if there is even a thing anymore) and GIS as a database.

    You can subscribe either on the show homepage or in iTunes or Google Play.

    Next week Brian Timoney joins so stay tuned.

  • HWJF 01: Ian White and Where are they now?

    Well Hangouts with James Fee is back in Podcast form. As is typical, Ian White is my first guest and we get into many things from his transition from Urban Mapping to the business of spatial and a new segment called “Where are they now?” where we remember all those leaders who have moved on to new jobs in 2017. You can listen below or subscribe in iTunes or Google Play. I hope you enjoy the new format and if you have any suggestions please email me.

    Next week Bill Dollins joins so stay tuned.

  • Hangouts with James Fee – the Podcast

    I’ve had many a Google Hangout in the past and we’ve had a great time putting them together. Google Hangouts are fun but they are hard to listen to while commuting, working out or just resting at night. I’ve thought about a podcast many times before but never until now have I put things in motion.

    Starting next week, I will record my first Hangouts with James Fee podcast with Ian White. We’ll follow that with Steve Pousty and Bill Dollins. I’ll post here more when I have the podcast feed available and links to iTunes and Google Play. My hope is if everything goes well that we’ll have our first podcast linked up by the 29th of March. Stay tuned!

  • Hangouts with James Fee: Special Guest Steve Pousty

    Hangouts with James Fee Season 4 starts soon.  We’re going to continue as a podcast so make sure you stay tuned for the guests.  I figure it is fitting that the last video hangout I had with Steve be posted as the “first” podcast.  Enjoy and I’ll see you all after my honeymoon.

  • Coming in October: HWJF the Podcast

    I’m getting married next week so I’m going off the grid but when I get back Hangouts with James Fee returns for Season 4.  The big change?  It’s a podcast.

  • Hangouts With James Fee Season 4 Will Be A Podcast

    Today’s HWJF planning staff meeting was full of new ideas.  The biggest one was that HWJF becomes a podcast.  One of the biggest feedback requests has been to offer an audio only version of the hangouts for those who want to listen on their smartphones offline.  I’ve explored this many times and never really got a good plan in place.  But given that HWJF isn’t really visual in nature (looking at my grill for an hour has to be taxing), we’re going to convert HWJF into a podcast for season 4 arriving in October.  If there is a visual need to have video, we’ll have special hangouts on the YouTube.  What this means is it won’t be live anymore so you can’t point out how wrong I am until after the faux pas has passed.

    What it will mean is the podcast should be more consumable and usable by everyone.  This is an experiment so we’ll see how it goes moving forward.  It will also allow more flexible scheduling of the podcast so we can have guests on who can’t attend during work hours.

  • Hangouts with James Fee Season 4 is Arriving Soon. I Need Your Help!

    Since I’ve decided to break Hangouts with James Fee into Spring and Fall “seasons” (sounds official doesn’t it?) the summer has been left to swimming and vacations.  But with Fall around the corner (temps in Tempe have dropped back down below 110F), it’s time to get serious about scheduling the next batch of hangouts.  I asked for feedback from people last season and it was a great help.  For the fall though I’d love to interview people who haven’t been on the show before or are not as well-known.  If you can email me with suggestions (heck include yourself if you want) I’d really appreciate it.  My favorite Hangout from last spring was with Lyzi Diamond and I’d love to have more like that.