It is a Buyer’s Market — Google Lowers Google Maps Pricing

Lower pricing and simplified limits with the Google Maps API

Since launching the Google Maps API seven years ago, we’ve been awed by the many ways developers have used the service to build great mapping apps. As you may know, last year we introduced limits on the number of free maps that developers could show daily through the Google Maps API. Since then, we’ve been listening carefully to feedback, and today we’re happy to announce that we’re lowering API usage fees and simplifying limits for both Styled and regular maps.

All Smiles

All smiles down at the Googleplex

There are some pretty big changes over at Google. If you were hoping Google was going to price themselves out of the web mapping industry, you are sadly mistaken. One more little tidbit:

We’re beginning to monitor Maps API usage starting today, and, based on current usage, fees will only apply to the top 0.35% of sites regularly exceeding the published limits of 25,000 map loads every day for 90 consecutive days.

So now your Google Maps API application will be monitored for use. Local governments probably have nothing to worry about, they wish they had 25,000 map loads every day for 90 consecutive days. Thank god for the weekend! And on top of it all, they’ve brought their business model to Google Maps!

You can generate revenue from your Maps API application using AdSense for Maps, which enables you to display relevant ads on or alongside your map.

You too can get pennies on the click for Viagra ads on your map of threatened and endangered species in the Himalayas. Sign me up!

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