Category: Thoughts

  • Firefox support for Virtual Earth 3D to arrive in a couple months

    Tucked down in a response to a Boing Boing article claiming that VE is just a Google Maps clone (while that might not be true, we all know that Google Earth is a ArcGlobe clone) is news that Microsoft will support Firefox really soon.

    ** Firefox users can’t view 3d maps yet, but an update in a couple of months should add this functionality.

    Great news, but I’m pretty sure it will still be Windows only. For Windows users right now who want to use Firefox with Virtual Earth 3D all you have to do is install the Firefox extension IETab.

  • ArcGIS Server Code Challenge Entries Posted

    ESRI is running another blog with the ArcGIS Server Code Challenge entries received. Remember (if you are running ArcGIS Server 9.2) to give the code a look and give any comments on the entries.

    I’m still confused of the ESRI blog world. They have roller running, they have an ArcGIS Server blog running, yet they use for the code challenge (not that I’m complaining too much because I’m sure it could have been the spam platform Blogger).

    My thinking here is that is controlled by the marketing team and the dev team has to improvise (no that doesn’t make sense because this is a marketing exercise) they can’t figure out how to add a new roller blog. Looks like the promise of will never be realized.

  • ArcGIS 9.1 not in Extended Support….Yet

    Back in November, before we all got our ArcGIS 9.2, ESRI posted an updated ArcGIS Desktop Life Cycle PDF that showed that ArcGIS 9.1 had entered “Extended Support”. I guess they changed their minds because it appears that 9.1 is still in “General Availability”. We are back to the:

    ArcGIS 9.1 will be moved to Extended support 3 months after ArcGIS 9.2 begins shipping.

    which means that if ESRI says 9.2 shipped “mid-November” then 9.1 will transition to Extended Support mid-February. I don’t recall ever seeing ESRI repost this, but that doesn’t mean that 9.1 or even 9.2 will be certified to work with Microsoft Vista.

    ESRI does not currently support ArcGIS products on Windows Vista and does not have plans to add Vista support to ArcGIS product versions up to and including 9.2. However, ESRI is committed to supporting ArcGIS on the Windows Vista operating system and intends to add support for Windows Vista in service packs released after ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 2, as well as future releases of ArcGIS products.

    So 9.2 will be certified down the road, but 9.1 will not. ArcGIS 9.1 is in General Availability at the time of the Microsoft Vista release and I guess that doesn’t mean that ESRI will support it.

    I've scratched my head so much over ESRI that I'm going bald

  • MapGuide Enterprise Support Issues

    MapGuide Logo

    I’ve been looking at MGE because some clients have “issues” with open source software. Not only that, but the thought that you’d have great technical support when needed was an added bonus. After reading Shane Buscher’s post it sounds like MGE isn’t quite what it should be.

    Once I figured out that I only had web support (no phone#) from AutoDesk, I logged a support request and got back the regurgitated email indicating I would be contacted within 4 hours. That was Friday morning 8:45 (CST). I’ve been left with no response whatsoever. There’s no way for me to follow up with anyone without a phone#, and replying to the original email is futile.

    It looked like Autodesk had hit the sweet spot with MapGuide Open Source and MapGuide Enterprise, but it appears that they need a little time to get there. Telephone support is key IMO as I don’t always have time for an email. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

  • Does ArcGIS support .NET 3.0?

    It should.

    I’m not sure why 9.1 made it into this FAQ though…

  • Planet Geospatial Setback

    Well the php script hung again bringing down Planet GS once again. I think its time to dump the php and move back to python. At least there I understood what I was doing. It will take me a couple days to get it back in order, but it will be back.

    For all those who have emailed me asking where your blog is in PGS, don’t’ worry. I have them all backed up and ready to go, I’m not removing anyone (well I hope so).

    Snidely Whiplash has Planet Geospatial down

  • Planet Geospatial LT

    I got it back up and running, but it seems the large amount of feeds had caused PHP to time out. I’ve got a subset of feeds in there right now and I’ll start adding the others back in over th next day or two.

    So if you don’t see your blog in Planet GS right now, give it a couple days and I’ll get it back in.

  • Planet Geospatial is back up – sorta

    Well I’ve got it back up and running. There was/is some sort of weird PHP4/5 thing going on that I’m still trying to debug. Anyway I’ll keep at it and we should be back in business on Monday.

  • Update and Planet Geospatial Status

    Planet Geospatial is down while I try and figure what has happened in the last 2 days. PGS is supposed to build once every hour but for one reason or another it builds every time someone hits the page which is why it has been running really slow lately. I’ll keep you updated on its status as the day goes on.


    13:23 MST – I’m still trying to figure out what is wrong. I’m a little weak on PHP compared to other languages so I’m having trouble debugging the issue. I’m still trying to figure it out, but I’m not going to be available this weekend to work on it. Right now Planet Geospatial might be down all weekend. Believe me I’m going through withdrawal right now too.

    07:35 MST Jan 27 – I’m much closer to getting this figured out. I’m not going to be getting it up this morning as I’ve got to go house hunting, but it should be up either later today or early tomorrow. I’m thinking it was a little PHP4/PHP5 issue.

  • ArcGIS Server Code Challenge Humor

    Anyone need another copy of Agile Development with ICONIX Process: People, Process, and Pragmatism?

    The first 15 applicants to submit their code samples and submission forms will be eligible to receive the book Agile Development with ICONIX Process: People, Process, and Pragmatism.

    I was joking with Brian Flood that this would be a prize. I guess I was right.

    Everyone bring their copies to the Dev Summit and we'll make a fort