
  • The Atlantic Looks at How Google Builds Maps

    The Atlantic – How Google Builds Its Maps—and What It Means for the Future of Everything

    The office where Google has been building the best representation of the world is not a remarkable place. It has all the free food, ping pong, and Google Maps-inspired Christoph Niemann cartoons that you’d expect, but it’s still a low-slung office building just off the 101 in Mountain View in the burbs.

    I figured they had offices, but I’ve clearly underestimated the ping pong factor. Time to get Paul to buy some ping pong tables for the offices.

    The big takeaway (if you don’t like reading liberal leaning publications) is that humans are still critical to getting these maps accurate, even with the computing power of Google. I can’t imagine a more depressing job than shifting these roads around, but someone has to do it and I’m glad they do.


    I’m sure the ping pong makes it all worth while.

  • The One Where Tyler Bell Defines Big Data

    This weeks hangout is now up on YouTube so if you missed my very special guest, Tyler Bell, you can enjoy his definition of “big data”, some old Yahoo! Geo projects that are still alive (and one that isn’t), place data and of course the part where he wishes he had a JSON feed of his credit card purchases.

    As I mentioned on the show, next week will be something new. Madeline and I will have an open discussion where we’ll be talking about what it means to be a GIS Professional in 2013 (it’s almost here guys) and taking questions from you using Google Moderator. If you want to have me comment on a subject, whether it be my love of Flash or how I think the Dodgers are going to choke away the baseball season again, you can post the question and vote up others. I’ve already populated it with a couple of questions I get asked weekly.

  • This Week’s Hangout: It’s Just Data

    This weeks hangout should be tons of fun. My ex “This Week in Maps” co-host (is that what we were?), Tyler Bell joins me and Madeline to talk about just about anything location. Tyler works for Factual so there is bound to be some discussion about big data, location business models, Google buying patents from deCarta and why we all are still standing. Should be fun as always! Join us on the WeoGeo Hangout page tomorrow!


  • 80% of Data is Not Spatial so Stop Claiming it is

    If you told me 80% of data has Chuck Norris in it, I’d believe that, but this statistic that GIS people keep throwing out has got to be stopped. The quote usually goes like this:

    XX% (generally 80%) of [some form of data] has a location/gis/geospatial/spatial component.

    Every couple of months, someone asks me for the origin of this stat and I’m generally not able to provide it. Just yesterday Tyler Mitchell asked on Twitter:

    If you search for the phrase in Google, you’ll find it referenced by Esri, Microsoft, and just about anyone else who wants to feel better about their lifestyle choice. The bottom line is though there is ZERO real analysis to this stat and was probably created over beers.

    Now it could be that the stat is true. I’m horrible at darts, but sometimes I do get a bullseye so maybe we all nailed it with this one. But until someone can actually back this stat up with real facts, I’m calling bullshit and you should too. Stop throwing it into your PowerPoint slide decks and executive summaries.

    The Dude

    The Dude wishes you’d stop using this quote.

  • Amazon Chooses Nokia/Navteq over Google and How Legacy Mapping Data Companies Stayed Relevant

    So, you’ve forked Android and now it comes time to choose a mapping provider, what would you do? Well Amazon decided to hook up with one of the largest navigation data providers out there. Inc’s new Kindle Fire will have mapping services via a tie-up with Nokia/Navteq Oyj, according to two people familiar with the situation, filling a gap in the tablet’s capabilities while snubbing Google Inc’s popular service.

    Amazon will release at least one new version of the Kindle Fire next Thursday.

    I’ll be curious how the new hardware Amazon might release will allow better mapping (GPS in the Kindle Fire 2?) and possibly LTE connectivity. I guess we’ll know in a couple weeks what Amazon has in store for their mapping options. On top of it all, Amazon has UpNext which might dovetail very nicely into their navigation tools.

    So there you go, they didn’t go with Google (I think this is pretty obvious for the same reasons Apple went their own way) nor did they pick OpenStreetMap (they may still go for a blended service like Apple has, but we’ll have to see). No, they picked one of the two largest legacy data mapping companies to power their maps.

    Don't Blink

    We are now down to four; Nokia/Navteq, TomTom, Google and OSM

    Now we’ve been crying for years that TomTom and Nokia/Navteq are doomed with the growth of OSM and Google, but clearly between the two of them they have Amazon (Nokia/Navteq), Apple (TomTom) and Microsoft (Nokia/Navteq). That leaves Google to their own platform (Android) and Nook to OSM. Rather than falling apart and having to shut down production, Nokia/Navteq and TomTom signed with some of the largest mobile device platforms out there.

    Now there are still some questions here. These deals by TomTom and Nokia/Navteq could be loss leaders for the companies. This could mean that while their short term prospects are great, the end could be Apple buying TomTom and Microsoft buying Nokia/Navteq because neither company can survive on these new revenue streams. That said, I am impressed how TomTom and Nokia/Navteq have been able to stay relevant in the past 3 years given the disruptive nature of OSM and Google Maps.


    You totally would have told me this 2 years ago if I said TomTom/Navteq were still relevant

  • Relive Whither Where 2.0 with Sean Gorman

    Thanks to Sean Gorman for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk about what he’s working on at Esri, what happened with Where 2.0, and what he sees interesting to him as he embarks on his new adventure. If you missed it live, you can watch it again below:

    Next week I’m getting the band back together for a little “This Week in Maps” reunion. Tyler Bell arrives to talk about big data and the overall directions of the industry.

  • This Week’s Hangout: Whither Where 2.0?

    The Hangouts continue this week and my very special guest is Sean Gorman. We’ll be talking about neogeography, GeoIQ, visualization, and what the DC Dev Center means for Esri customers moving forward. Clearly the GeoIQ team is already making an impact at Esri.

    As always, we’ll go live at 10am PDT and leave comments/questions for Sean at any time. The comments will not be enabled on the YouTube page so make sure you comment on the WeoGeo website. I know you want to ask Sean what will happen with Geocommons!

    Sean Gorman

    Image credit: Esri marketing staff

  • Esri Goes to GitHub

    Esri has actually shared open source projects before, but they’ve been strewn across many different services. It seems the GeoIQ for ArcGIS (is that a thing yet?) guys are getting this all organized.

    We’ve got the ball rolling already with several repositories up and running on Github. Esri’s presence in Github centers around two separate accounts: and The “esri” account will house (host?) code that is meant to be more freestanding and generic. Code that a has broad reach to very more non-GIS community like visualization examples, solutions and various other scripts will all live there. The “arcgis” account will house open source code related directly to the “ArcGIS Platform” and have repositories for things like ArcGIS Online templates and ArcGIS Desktop extensions. The structure of all the code and repos will grow and evolve as Esri places more code on Github

    I’m not sure I totally get why there needs to be two (why not just use the Esri one?), but it sounds like this is a work in progress. I’d just assume follow the Esri one and wait for ArcGIS projects to filter in.

    Jack's a Little Slow

    I’ll just hit F5 until the projects are all in one repository.

  • Hurricane Tracker 101

    There is nothing like a natural disaster to get Geospatial geeks excited. According to twitter there is a storm blowing in. In the spirit of GeoComradery, I thought I’d list out a couple options to track.

    1. Classic GIS Map: PDF format for easy printing on that HP 4MV printer. (no Internet link because it’s sitting on your desktop)
    2. Classic Esri Website: The Esri Disaster Response Hurricane tracker is full of cloudy ArcGIS Online goodness. It is a clear attempt to put as much information in front of you so can’t read it. Others refer to this option as an autostereogram.
    3. The Stamen “Solution”: Stamen as always produces beautiful looking maps that are always taken at night. These are handy when you want to look at the map and not keep your significant other up from the light of your iPad. With the Esri map above, you’d have to build a pillow fort to keep the light on your side of the bed or couch.
    4. The official government website: If I woke from a 20 year coma and this was the first map I saw, it would be hard to convince me I had been asleep for more than 5 minutes.
    5. The hipster map: Rule #1, pick a projection that people aren’t used to seeing and make it beautiful enough so they don’t complain they can’t figure out where the Atlantic Ocean is.
    6. Google’s Map: Hmmm, guess not.
      Update: Here is the Google Crisis Map. The YouTube logos look classy!
    7. Update 2 – The Government Map With Good Data, but Bad UI: Nobody knows hurricanes better than NOAA and their map has lots of history and up to the minute data. Too bad it is in a flex viewer so I can’t view it on my iPhone or iPad while running for my life. That said, download button on the top is full of awesome.

    This is the only Isaac I want to see at my door!

  • Mapnik 2.1 Released

    Just in time for a fun filled weekend, Mapnik 2.1 has been release. There are a ton of great new features so there will be much to play with. As I mentioned during the hangout with Gretchen last week, I love the fine grained control of authoring maps using style files vs proprietary GUI wackiness. I honestly don’t see how if you truly care about cartography, you can continue to author maps using methods that are akin to using FrontPage to author HTML pages. It’s OK when you are making a webpage for your cat, but you can’t assume people will continue to pay you to click your mouse.

    Jack Wall Ball

    Well it’s either play with Mapnik or go crazy!