
  • Latest on Atanas Entchev – Donate to help with his legal expenses

    I’ve lifted this directly from his blog:

    A Plea For Help
    After living legally in the United States for over 20 years, I was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on an immigration charge, and am currently facing deportation. My son Eni, 21, who came to the United States at the age of two, is also detained and wears an orange jumpsuit through no fault of his own. We continue to pursue all possible legal avenues to remain in the US our home.

    However, our 18-year immigration ordeal has depleted our resources. My detention is about to cripple my small IT consulting business. We cannot keep up with our growing expenses, and I have no other choice but to turn to the community for help.

    I ask friends and sympathizers of our cause to donate to our legal fund. No donation is too small. Please spread the word.

    Thank you for your kindness, and God bless you.

    Posted for Atanas Entchev, by his daughter, Christina

    Atanas Entchev

    Atanas Entchev

    It is disturbing to hear this happen to Atanas. There is a Paypal donation link on his blog to fund his legal defense and I’d urge everyone reading this to give at least a few dollars. What I do know about Atanas is that he would be the first to give to anyone else’s cause so we should pay him back in kind.

  • UPDATED! Stand Up for Atanas Entchev

    UPDATE: More news on Atanas from Bill Dollins. Randal Hale was able to login to the ENTCHEV blog and post a note. Caitlin Dempsey also has an entry on GIS Lounge. Please don’t forget to send in a support letter making sure you put your signature to it. Hopefully this can all get figured out for Atanas and his family.

    Both Atanas and his wife may be in detainment!

    John Reiser blogs about a serious matter happening to a close friend of all of us, Atanas Entchev.

    Last week, I received an email from Mayia, his wife, asking for letters of support as he is facing deportation.

    Says Mayia:

    I am writing you on behalf of my husband, Atanas Entchev, and our family. As you may know, Atanas and I emigrated to the U.S. from Bulgaria 20 years ago. Today, our immigration case is at a crossroads, and it is pertinent that we obtain letters of recommendation from the community. I am reaching out to you because you have been a colleague, client, or valued business contact of Atanas?. I am hoping you may be able to write a letter of recommendation for him. Time is of the essence, and it it crucial that we gather these letters as soon as possible, by today would be best.

    There are instructions on that page letting you know what you need to do to help out Atanas. If you’ve ever had any interaction with Atanas, I’d urge you to give him some help. I’m going to write my support email right now.

  • WhereCampPHX 2011 — Success!

    Last Saturday, we had the first ever WhereCampPHX in Arizona. I was very happy with the attendance and after the first jitters of never being to a unconference before, the crowd totally got into it. In fact, I had many people come up to me after and say they wanted to do another one right away because they had no idea how much fun they can be if you take part. In what was unique for me at a WhereCamp, there seemed to be two tracks that people created. One of “traditional” GIS (scripting geoprocessing, map servers, analysis) and then another one that focused on new technologies. I spent most of my time in the second one where there was discussions on Google Fusion Tables, Google Earth Builder, TileMill, Places APIs, Vectors in the browser (Polymaps, Raphael.js) and back-end databases.

    Getting Ready for the Sessions

    It was a nice change of pace to have a WhereCamp in my hometown and not having to travel to another state or country. The feedback from those who attended clearly shows that there is a need for these more informal sessions as opposed to the traditional conferences. Having the first one of these here in Arizona gives us a leg up on the next one since most of the crowd now knows what to expect and they can propose their own topics.

    We also had a great time at the Turf Pub for the after party (thanks Bentley for the food) watching Arizona State fall behind and then blow out Oregon State. My plans are to have some sort of event (maybe an Ignite style talk program) or another unconference in the spring so we can continue what we’ve started. Everyone who attended seemed to have their minds filled with new ideas after the day so there needs to be some downtime to implement all the new stuff we’ve learned.

  • Mapnik, the Cartography Engine of GIS, Goes 2.0

    Mapnik 2.0 has been released:

    The Mapnik team is pleased to announce that Mapnik 2.0 is finally here! We’ve jumped from 0.7 to 2.0, not because we got confused with our numbers, but to reflect that this release represents a big step forward for the project. We believe Mapnik 2.0 will provide a much more flexible and expressive platform for creating beautiful maps.

    For details you can read the milestone list or change logs. Unless you are under a rock, Mapnik is everywhere and used by everyone. FOSS4G 2011 was dominated by two projects, Mapnik and PostGIS. Good company if you ask me.

  • Open Source Update Friday

    Everybody’s working for the weekend, especially on Friday. But there is good news for those who like to install updates to software on their Friday; QGIS 1.7.1 and OpenLayers 2.11 are available.

    • QGIS 1.7.1 was released this week. This is a bug fix release so there isn’t much new there other than cleaning up issues. Check out those release notes to see what was updated.
    • OpenLayers 2.11 also was released this week. Don’t let the .01 update fool you, this is huge. Specifically “native” support for touch devices (you know, like that thing called an iPad) and some big performance updates. Clearly, this is an update all who are running OpenLayers 2.10 should look at very closely.<
    • Esri Canvas Maps are now available on (er ArcGIS Online). Now your paleo maps can have a little neo map flavor. Everyone is a winner! Yea that’s not really open source, but you can use it in OpenLayers so that’s a win for libre.

  • Esri “Depreciates” ArcGIS

    Who says selling “enterprise software” can’t be fun? Part of the job is writing deprecation plans for software. Esri has updated theirs to tell you that even though you are still stuck on ArcGIS 9.3.1, ArcGIS 10 will be dead before you get there.

    Mark Twain Building a GIS

    Time to get out the “Building a GIS” book to see the way forward!

    Update: Esri has updated their blog title to “deprecation”. Why change it now?

  • Esri Finally Gives Users Usable Basemaps

    Now don’t get me wrong, I love the cartography on the Esri produced basemaps. They are very pretty and warm my heart. But in the real world they are totally unusable. I’ve talked about how I’ve searched for a “white label” basemap to throw behind my data for years. In fact, I lamented that the Esri Ocean Basemap didn’t go in enough zooms because I wanted to use it as a generic basemap. Clearly Esri is listening to me (hey, that’s how I choose to view this). Say hello to Esri Canvas Maps.

    Canvas Maps: a new set of online basemaps specifically designed to give users a neutral ‘canvas’ on which to better display data.

    Clearly they seem influence by the great work of Stamen and I even see a bits of Bing Maps in their look. But that’s OK because is what we are looking for. Something to give our users reference without getting in the way of our story. I’d recommend every user of Esri’s basemaps to switch out their background maps to these now Esri Canvas Maps immediately. Your users will appreciate it. I don’t see them available in the basemap list on or inside ArcGIS Desktop, but if you search ArcGIS for grey, you’ll see a couple of versions of them.

  • WhereCampPHX is this Saturday

    WhereCampPHX Logo

    Just a friendly reminder, WhereCampPHX is this Saturday in Downtown Phoenix at the Arizona State University Cronkite School of Journalism. We are on our way to over 150 people registered so it will be a great time. You can still sign up to attend but space will be limited. It all starts at 9am Saturday October 1st. We’ll also be having an after-party at Turf Pub across the street from the WhereCampPHX site. That will start a 7pm, food will be provided.

  • Autodesk is Now Cloud Ready

    This is a new one, using a buzzword to hide a licensing model. Well played Autodesk!

    Autodesk was nowhere to be seen at FOSS4G 2011 so I assume they’ve gone back to their roots and away from location. The world is much cleaner when you work in paper space.

  • INTERGEO — Why Do Germans Always Get Nice Things?

    So INTERGEO is 17,000 large this year.

    The annual German Trade Show for Geosptial and Geomatics technologies opened today in Nurnberg with 17.000 attending. And if the economy is in poor state, the show did not flinch or disappoint a turnout from an estimated 500 exhibitors from 30 countries are present and displaying the latest in technology and applications

    So why are we American’s more vendor focused? I can’t be the only one who would love to walk down an aisle and see Esri, Oracle, MapInfo, Intergraph (or whatever they are these days), and others all lined up for me to evaluate. No, we nickel and dime ourselves into little silos with fairy tales of cloud-ready computing.