Category: Thoughts

  • ArcGIS 9.3 Service Pack 1 is available

    As I’m sure many have seen, ArcGIS Service Pack 1 is available on ESRI’s servers. I’m interested to see how the new error reporting has improved the first Service Pack over previous Service Packs. ESRI is still going to release a Service Pack a quarter so don’t worry about the future. The links below go to the download page which also has info about the what fixes were included.

    Nothing about the Service Pack 1 update on the ESRI Support Blog but that blog has been spotty so I’m not surprised.

  • Sharing the File Geodatabase

    There are really good reasons to use the File Geodatabase in the ESRI world over the shapefile and Personal Geodatabase, but it doesn’t mean it is easy to share. Sean Gorman knows that the more file formats he supports, the more likely people (especially GIS pros) will be using GeoCommons. I suppose the simple answer for Sean is to buy a license of FME Server and support everything and anything people upload. The cost of that solution might not make business sense just yet for him so I suppose is the lack of ESRI Geodatabase support (or any other format) limiting you when you want to share data? I like the idea of uploading a Geodatabase full of datasets at one time, but sharing a folder/file based dataset is difficult enough on a LAN, let along the internet. Is converting to shapefiles too much to ask for people who want to share data on services such as GeoCommons?

    WeoGeo partnered with Safe Software to bring this kind of datasharing (among other features of FME Server) to the cloud?web so there might be solutions that are cheaper than outright licensing FME Server to bring translate capability to Web 2.0 services. If that can be coupled with Amazon Web Services pricing (pay for what you use rather than a traditional license) there could be something that many people take advantage of.

    And of course you could export out any layer in GeoCommons Finder! to any of the 200+ FME supported formats.

    And of course you could export out any layer in GeoCommons Finder! to any of the 200+ FME supported formats.

  • Geowanking moving to O’Reilly

    Brady has just posted the news on the Geowanking list. Full text after the jump.


    Joshua has been quietly looking for a good home for Geowanking for a while. He approached O’Reilly and we have agreed to support the list.

    I’d like to thank Joshua for starting the list and helping the community grow. He’s put in a lot of time and energy for us. Thanks!

    O’Reilly is invested in the geospace. Where 2.0 is one of our strongest conferences and I consider the geowanking community to be the conference’s primary constituent. So when we were asked to take on the list it was an obvious yes to me. We want to support this community and help it grow.

    **What does this mean? **

    • Later today or tomorrow we will be moving the list to O’Reilly servers.

    ** The domain will change.** Joshua is keeping?, but is giving us The new list address will be??

    • The archives and your subscriptions are intact, **but you may need to reset your user password and digest settings. **

    • The archives will still be public.

    • Please mail me for admin or other issues about the list. Laura Painter, an O’Reilly employee, has spent a lot of time on this (thanks!). She’ll be monitoring the list for technical hiccups.

    What about the future? We’ve got a couple of ideas for how to support the community and I would love to hear your thoughts on them. I’ve been thinking that a planet installation on would be great.Any others?



    Kudos to O’Reilly for stepping up and keep Geowanking running.

  • Concerned about stacks?

    I’ve been hearing much about stacks these last few weeks.

    We want an all ESRI stack

    We want to break out of the ESRI stack

    I want an all OSGeo stack

    Bill Gates’ stack is the work of the devil

    I want to avoid the [INSERT LEAST FAVORITE SOFTWARE COMPANY HERE] stack at all costs

    Why concern yourself with branding stacks? OK, maybe if your corporate IT department dictates that you must go a route you have to worry about it, but otherwise concerning yourself with an overarching stack just distracts you on matching your needs with the best hardware/software. Stack away, but focus on the individual parts, not the whole suite. Leave the marketing terms such as LAMP/WAMP/XXXX to others and pick what works.

    Be careful with stacks

    Be careful with stacks

  • Catching up

    I was out last week in New Orleans and of course had no time to block so I’m going to try and catch up this week.

    “I strongly agree with Dave Bouwman’s assumption that this is the result of a long lasting strategy of trying to cram desktop GIS into the browser with GIS manufacturers concentrating on developing utterly generic ‘out-of-the-box’ WebGIS products. So this wants us GIS developers make to believe that we are able to produce WebGIS applications in a jif. But the simple fact is that 99% of so called WebGIS apps have a quite narrow purpose, thus need pretty focused functions and user interfaces instead of bloated generic UI’s.”

    It is clear GIS developers understand what hasn’t worked in the past and what needs to be done in the future. The trick is to enable complex GIS analysis in a way end users can take advantage of it. If it was easy, everyone would already be doing it.

    • More baseball geography; Five Migrations in Baseball History. Lets see, statistics, geography, beer, despair. Is there nothing baseball can’t teach us?

    • Yes, ArcGIS Server Flex API 1.0 was released last week. Cue the “Where is Silverlight?” questions. Might be a great topic to discuss at the 2009 Developer Summit.

    • Google Earth for the iPhone has been released. After playing with it for a week a couple things come to the surface.

      1. First it is very well done and visually impressive. Fingers can navigate 3D globes.
      2. The Edge network is too slow.
      3. I almost got run over by a streetcar navigating the globe. Could that be worse than texting with your head down?
      4. The tilt function is confusing when you are walking. I want to hold the unit in front of my face, not look strait down (see #3).

    I can’t wait to see the next version and start using the iPhone to interact with network KML.

  • I come to praise the Web ADF, not to bury it

    I was just talking to someone today about web applications for ArcGIS Server 9.3 and they were surprised that I was using the Web ADF to create an application after my post earlier this week on the JavaScript API. I feel like I need to clarify some things about that post. It wasn’t so much a?desertion of the Web ADF, but point that one should be looking toward the JavaScript API (and I suppose the Flex API) for most mapping situation and use the Web ADF (Java and .NET) when it best makes sense. I’m using the Web ADF on this project because the requirements of the end user is best met with the Web ADF. The great thing about the JavaScript API, the Flex API, the .NET Web ADF, the Java Web ADF and even the JavaScript extenders for the JavaScript API is that they all can be called on if needed. Of course the Web ADF does have licensing issues that ESRI needs to address that limit its appeal even when it is the best choice for the solution.

    ESRI has given their developers choices that we aren’t accustom to and in turn ESRI developers should be looking at the choices when making a decision of what SDK to use. Also just because you use the JavaScript API or the Flex API doesn’t mean you’ll end up with a great application. So much more goes into it and there isn’t any reason why the Java Web ADF can’t give you a great application anymore than the Flex API can.

    Et tu, James?

    Et tu, James?

  • Adding touch control to OpenLayers

    whit has written a blog post on what he’s been working on getting OpenLayers to work with Mobile Safari on the iPhone (and iTouch).

    A major part of my recent investigations for mobile and opengeo have focused on getting OpenLayers to do a basic version of it’s thing on the iphone.? I’ve had limited success, but maybe these demos will help someone else get a little further or perhaps help crystallize a more effective approach than mine, since I’m pretty green with OL.

    He’s also created a couple demos for the iPhone/iTouch using some of the touch controls. The bottom line is that moving from mouse control to finger touch is as hard as you’d expect. I think it is great to see OpenLayers take on this effort because being able to move mapping to mobile devices will be key with the iPhone and Android taking off here in the next year.

    OpenLayers iPhone Support

  • MapQuest for iPhone — Interesting if there is an API

    I see that MapQuest now has an optimized iPhone site (HT APB) for all those people who still use MapQuest (though I’d guess most iPhone users would just assume use the built in Google Maps app). Since MapQuest is not using the iPhone App SDK I wonder if there is an API available for developers to create iPhone mapping applications using the MapQuest API for the iPhone? MapQuest’s API has been hit hard by Google and Microsoft and I would think a smartphone API (Android and iPhone both use WebKit) would help them get out of their niche.

    Damn! We’re in a tight spot!

    Damn! Were in a tight spot!

  • The ESRI Flex API vs the JavaScript API

    OK, I’ll come clean. While Flex is a great tool, I can’t see how you’d not use the JavaScript API instead. Flex is still not available on every platform (I’m an iPhone elitist) and isn’t easily picked up by everyone. But more than one person said in last weeks thread on the JavaScript API that Flex was the way they are going. I’m curious is there a rising groundswell in Flex or are ESRI developers just an outlier to the overarching movement toward JavaScript?? FlexBuilder 3 is at least $250 (Pro is almost $700) and I just can’t see people bothering to buy an

    What part of the Flex API makes you choose it over the JavaScript API?? If people are willing to block Flash, don’t you limit your marketplace by going that route over JavaScript?

    Flex…..Savior of the Universe

    Flex.....Savior of the Universe

  • 2009 ESRI User Conference Abstract Submission Deadline Extended

    If you were like me today and were working hard at getting your abstract in this is probably not too much of a big deal to you, but if you were unable to get your submission done, you’ll have some extra time to get those ducks in a row for your 2009 abstract submission.

    Professionals across industries and with all levels of GIS experience are encouraged to submit an abstract for possible presentation at the 2009 gathering. The deadline for submissions has been extended to November 14, 2008.

    You still have time to get that submission in!

    You still have time to get that submission in!